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<<  Métalepse (2016) - essay

Master degree dissertation

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Departing from self-analysis, the annexation of metalepsis in the field of composition comes to subsume formal concerns that whether founded or spanned my projects almost systematically. Featured as the figure of speech which mentors transgression and paradoxality, metalepsis necessarily conveys a reception based approach of æsthetics. In that sense, if corruptibility embodied a significant danger towards production, it might reveal the negative appearance of a psycho-æsthetical open-mindedness still unready to welcome addressee’s activity. The stakes of my formalization stand symmetrically in opposition : the prior consideration of making’s effects tends to retroact positively through enhancing the manipulability of material, multiplying the power of speech of arranged entities, lighting the transcendent horizon of their play.


key-words : metalepsis ; figurality ; rhetorics ; litterature sciences ; semiotics ; epistemology ; æsthetics ; stylistics ; music ; composition ; form ; morphology ; structure ; dimension ; transgression ; paradoxality ; transtextuality ; effects ; reception ; tension ; expressiveness ; autopoiesis

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